TU CTF 2016
На этих выходных мы участвуем в TU CTF 2016, проводимых Университетом Tulsa Tandy School of Computer Science.
What to expect in TU CTF
TU CTF is an introductory CTF for teams that want to build their experience. We will have the standard categories of Web, Forensics, Crypto, RE, and Exploit, as well as some other categories we don't want to reveal just yet. If you have any questions, our contact is at the bottom of each page, but please read the official rules before sending us any emails.

Время проведения: 14 мая в 1:00 - 16 мая в 1:00
Сайт соревнований: http://ctf.asciioverflow.com/
CTFtime событие: https://ctftime.org/event/312/
- Автор: drakylar
- Комментарии: 0
- Просмотры: 2187