Nuit du Hack CTF 2016

Соревнования Nuit du Hack CTF проводятся уже несколько лет подряд. Участвуем как Invulnerable.


Qualification round will start on April 1st 1159PM (UTC+0200) and will end on April 2nd 1159PM (UTC+0200). The top 10 teams will be qualified for the "Nuit du Hack" 2016 CTF finals, with a maximum of 5 members per team.

A set of 5 free tickets will be offered to the top 10 teams, providing access to the "Nuit du Hack" event that will be held in Paris July 2nd and 3rd (more information on the event's website).

Sysdream will offer the top 3 teams an additional set of 5 free tickets provided access to the "Hack In Paris" event, held in Paris from June 27 to July 1st (more information on the event's website).
Qualification Rules

Rules are very basic and standard. Any team not playing by the rules or behaving inappropriately will be immediately disqualified.

Contestants must register as teams and provide real contact information (at least a valid email address) to get further notifications.
A single account is allowed per team.
Qualification round consists in solving a set of tasks, divided into 6 categories: Web, Crypto, Forensics, Steganalysis, Webapp, Crackme and Exploit.
Teams are ranked based on their score and speed: the first team to complete all the tasks will be ranked top 1.

Following rules focus specifically on hints and bonus points.

There will be no bonus point.
Two hours before the challenge closes, a hint will be released for every unsolved task.
One hour before the challenge closes, an additional hint will be released for every task that remains unsolved.

Nuit du Hack CTF 2016

Время проведения: 2 апреля в 1:00 - 3 апреля в 1:00
CTFtime событие:
Сайт соревнований:скачать dle 10.5фильмы бесплатно

  • Автор: drakylar
  • Комментарии: 0
  • Просмотры: 2015

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