Defcamp CTF Qualification 2015
02 Окт. 2015, 21:00 UTC — 04 Окт. 2015, 09:00 UTC
Будут проходить D-CTF, которые, судя по описанию, обещают быть интересными!
Announcement: We decided to change the dates in order to allow the community to attend at all the events that will happen at the beginning of October. The new dates are: 02 Oct. 2015, 09:00 PM UTC - 4 Oct. 2015, 09:00 AM UTC (36 hours).
D-CTF is the traditional Capture the Flag Jeopardy style competition organised during DefCamp international cyber security & hacking conference happening in Bucharest, Romania between 19th and 20th of November. The competition has two phases:
- October 3th - 4th, Online Qualification
- November 19th - 20th, The Final in Bucharest, Romania with best teams from Online Qualifications
Because challenges are inspired by real life scenarios from day-to-day challenges of industry experts and other CTF players, you have to prove the ability to develop skills and under stress. It will be fun, I promise! :-)
Участвуем как Invulnerable.
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- Автор: drakylar
- Комментарии: 0
- Просмотры: 2630